Cine Revue Tele Programmes - Issue 25 June 24, 1971 - Marisa Mell Cover & Karine Marceau Centerfold

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Cine Revue Tele Programmes is France's version of the TV Guide, only in a large 13" x 10" format and containing articles and a weekly centerfold.

The magazine typically running around 50 to 60 pages, much like the American TV has many articles about French and other international films and television programs and always included a two page centerfold of a sexy actress at the time.

This issue features Austrian actress Marisa Mell on the cover, with a centerfold poster of Karine Marceau which measures 20" x 13".  All the words are in French.

Country - France

Total Pages - 47

Condition -  Excellent

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