Muse, A Portrait of Sara Jean Underwood (2015) 2nd Edition, Hardcover, OUT OF PRINT

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$ 199.99

MUSE is a 2015 2nd edition, hardcover photography book by W.B. Fontenot featuring Sara Jean Underwood. Within its 212 pages, the book takes viewers on a journey across California and Nevada deserts, Las Vegas penthouses, Hollywood hotel rooms, and surreal underwater worlds, resulting in a complex portrait of Underwood. With stunning artistic quality, this book is an exquisite exploration of the talents of both Fontenot and Underwood. Now out of print, don't miss your chance to experience MUSE.

This book was limited to three separate printings, each printing had a different color cover and to the best of our knowledge was limited to 500 copies per printing. This is the second printing with the grey cover, as you can see in one of our photos inside the book it indicates second printing 500 copies.  

Country - USA

Total Pages - 212

Condition -  New

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