Barbara Bouchet Film Series

Barbara Bouchet Nude

Born: Barbara Goutscher
Date of Birth: August 15, 1943
Country: Liberec, Czech Republic (formally part of Germany)
Active: 1964 - Present

From dancer, to model, to actress Barbara Bouchet was a force to be reckoned within Italian cult cinema during the 1970's, with indisputable beauty and intelligence. As one of our favorite international cult film actresses, we thought limiting ourselves to a few random reviews in our International Film blog simply wasn't good enough. We wanted to create a separate and more comprehensive collection of Barbara Bouchet material than has ever been seen on the net, from rare interviews, photos and magazine articles to reviews of films that even cult film fans have never heard of! Thus the Barbara Bouchet Film Series was born, so be prepared for the most comprehensive collection of Barbara Bouchet reviews anywhere!

Racconti proibiti... di niente vestiti [Master Of Love] (1972) May 6, 2021 08:00

Master Of Love, is a middle of the road Italian comedy, saved by the acting of Rossano Brazzi, and the amazing female cast.  If you're looking for a film that may introduce you to some lovely actresses that could lead you down the rabbit hole of Italian cult cinema then there may be some value here.


Cool Million: Mask Of Marcella (1972) January 28, 2021 19:06

Mask Of Marcella is an entertaining diversion, Barbara Bouchet plays a familiar supporting character, a beautiful and mysterious woman whose loyalties are constantly questionable.  While it's far from a unique role for her the long format of the episode lends her a longer screen time than previously seen in other American productions.


Non si sevizia un paperino [Don't Torture A Duckling] (1972) November 18, 2020 12:28

Don't Torture A Duckling, a film that has defined a cult genre with a classic Barbara Bouchet scene that likely mirrored the fantasy of every young man in 1970's Italy.  Whether your a fan of Barbara Bouchet or the genre as a whole this is a film that likely won't disappoint.


La dama rossa uccide sette volte [The Red Queen Kills Seven Times] (1972) July 20, 2020 17:00

The Red Queen Kills Seven Times is the quintessential 1970's giallo experience that has a balanced mixture of everything you've come to expect from the genre without it going off the rails, a killer soundtrack, thrills, blood and beauties.


Forza 'G' [Winged Devils] (1972) July 4, 2020 14:17

If you're looking for a palate cleanser Winged Devils definitely fits the bill, it's not only outside the normal repertoire of Barbara Bouchet but it's quite different from any Italian film I've seen and truly deserving of the label of "cult".


Casa d'appuntamento [The French Sex Murders] (1972) March 31, 2020 08:00

The best way to describe The French Sex Murders is a soap opera giallo.  Everything in the film has a soap opera feel from the lighting, the camera shots, the script and the overacting.


Valeria dentro e fuori [Valerie Wife Of David] (1972) February 2, 2020 16:02

Barbara proves she's more than simply a sex symbol, and shines in a role that's pretty dark and very serious.  Whether it's the bitter, emotionally distraught house wife or full on sex crazed schizophrenic Barbara Bouchet puts 100% into this role and shows her true acting talent


Alla ricerca del piacere [Amuck] (1972) October 4, 2019 08:00

For those looking for a film heavy with Barbara Bouchet, look no further than Amuck, the psycho-sexual Hitchcock style Italian thriller than gives you more of Barbara Bouchet than any film in her career up to this point has.  While it may not be a film for Giallo fans at large, it ticks all the boxes for fans of Barbara.


Milano calibro 9 [Caliber 9] (1972) June 19, 2019 08:00

Strap on your sidearm, light up your cigarette, slap around a few prostitutes, and be hypnotized by the writhing of Barbara Bouchet whose hips didn't lie long before Shakira came along.


Una cavalla tutta nuda [A Naked Mare] (1972) June 14, 2019 00:10

Once again Italian filmmakers troll audiences by centering their film's advertising campaign around the bare Barbara Bouchet as her short 5 to 10 minute appearance, completely naked and on all fours, earns her not only top billing in the opening credits but the entire reason behind anyone bothering to watch this film.


Non commettere atti impuri [Don't Commit Impure Deeds] (1971) April 15, 2019 08:00

As an Italian "comedy" Non commettere atti impuri (Don't Commit Impure Deeds) is an ambitious attempt to commentate on the hypocrisies one might find in religion, politics and romance.  Sadly it bites off more than it can chew, and under uses characters that in a more simplistic story could have lent themselves to a truly classic Italian comedy experience.


La tarantola dal ventre nero [Black Belly Of The Tarantula] (1971) March 16, 2019 12:59

Black Belly Of The Tarantula stands among the most recognizable films in the giallo sub genre with a cast of lovely actresses that include Barbara Bouchet, Claudine Auger and Barbara Bach.  How does the film stack up when these actresses see such limited screen time?


Nokaut [The Rogue] (1971) January 7, 2019 09:00

If up to this point in the early career of Barbara Bouchet you've complained you haven't seen enough of her, that is swiftly put to rest here.  Not only is The Rogue one of her larger supporting cast appearances to this point but she bares all for 85 to 90% of the time she's on screen.


L'uomo dagli occhi di ghiaccio [The Man With Icy Eyes] (1971) January 1, 2019 17:54

Barbara Bouchet continues the trend of the sultry femme fatale that will leave you bouncing back and forth guessing whether her character is naive and innocent, or is she playing both sides of the field and can't be trusted.


Le calde notti di Don Giovanni [Nights and Loves of Don Juan] (1971) August 22, 2018 08:00

Oddly enough the Loves and Nights of Don Juan is a film that takes a little bit of work to find, and might not entirely be worth the effort, as essentially over the years it's pretty much been defined by about 45 seconds of Barbara Bouchet completely naked on the bed which was basically this films' entire advertising campaign.


Cerca di capirmi [Try To Understand] (1970) March 25, 2018 20:55

The elusive Italian comedy that's supposed to contain an appearance by the stunning Barbara Bouchet.  Our almost decade long journey to find a copy of this film was finally brought to a conclusion.  Was it worth the search...?


Il prete sposato [The Married Priest] (1970) September 4, 2017 08:00

If The Married Priest is remembered by anyone, for any reason, it's the combined three minutes that Barbara Bouchet graces the screen.  The rest of the film is gristle.


Il debito coniugale [The Conjugal Debt] (1970) June 26, 2017 08:00

When it comes to Italian comedies The Conjugal Debt delivers on all cylinders with cheesy comedy and more sexy Barbara Bouchet scenes than may be medically recommended in one sitting.


L'asino d'oro: processo per fatti strani contro Lucius Apuleius cittadino romano [The Golden Ass] (1970) March 12, 2017 08:00

While Barbara Bouchet's beauty (and body) transcends both time and culture L'asino d'oro is a long winded attempt at adapting an ancient Roman novel and adding some booty, albeit Bouchet's lovely behind, which may possibly be the film's only silver lining.


Colpo rovente [Red Hot Shot] (1970) February 21, 2017 09:30

For fans of the euro-crime genre this is a rare one that ticks all the boxes of a true Italian crime film, drugs, gangs, girls, and guns.  Unfortunately the film never gained the recognition it deserved and almost appeared to be intentionally shunned.


Stoney (1969) January 16, 2017 22:56

For Barbara Bouchet's first starring role Stoney is a film that will appeal more to fans looking for "eye candy" than general cult film fans.  For what the film's story squanders in plot holes and horrendous editing, it breaks-even in pure unadulterated Barbara Bouchet beauty.


Sweet Charity (1969) December 21, 2016 09:00

Barbara Bouchet makes her final American film appearance (at least for the next 30 years), in once again another Shirley MacLaine musical which equals a recipe for disaster.


Star Trek - Season 2 Episode 22: By Any Other Name (1968) December 10, 2016 11:11

Barbara Bouchet says goodbye to American television with her final appearance in an episode of Star Trek, a role that would end up being one that most American audiences would remember her by to this day.


Tarzan - Season 2 Episode 22: Jungle Ransom (1968) November 28, 2016 09:00

Out of the handful of American television guest appearances by Barbara Bouchet our unlikely favorite happens to be the most obscure of them all. Tarzan wins out as the best of Barbara Bouchet's TV appearances on pure campy entertainment value alone.