International & Cult Film Reviews

Raquel Welch Furkini

Tired of the stale, CGI infused, constantly rebooted Hollywood drivel? Tired of overpaid actors and actresses complaining about their multi-million dollar salaries? Tired of films constantly pushing a onesided policital and/or social agenda? Welcome to the world of cult cinema, where the budgets were lower than the craft services cost on a film today, where the actors actually worked hard and got paid very little, and where the stories were actually somewhat original. We were Hollywood blockbuster lemmings too once, then we discovered a whole new world of cinema and we haven't looked back since! Join us in cutting the Hollywood cord, and enjoy a world of film that's pre PC and SJW infected. Welcome to our International & Cult Film blog, here we will feature our thoughts on a wide variety of films with a focus on those from the 1950's-1980's from all around the world.

Check out our Actress Spotlight series, which will be a mini series within this blog that will highlight and maybe introduce you to many of the actresses of European cult films. If you're a Barbara Bouchet fan, we have an entire separate blog series dedicated just to her, you can check that out HERE! This blog is just kicking off so check back often and have your eyes opened to a whole new world!

Casanova '70 (1965) - Marisa Mell Saves The Day September 15, 2018 12:30

Marisa Mell claimed this to be one of her most enjoyable film roles, taking into consideration her personality and hectic love life it's not surprising. Her performance manages to save this film from being another bland Italian comedy.


Danger: Diabolik (1968) - Possibly The Best Comic Book Movie Ever Made! September 6, 2018 08:00

Danger Diabolik proves that a well crafted film from a comic book series can be done with no CGI, stay loyal to the lore, and do it on a budget that is less than what a modern day film likely spends on craft services.  And in the end be one of the most underrated top comic book films ever made.


One On Top Of The Other (1969) - Marisa Mell Does Double Duty January 28, 2017 09:00

The dual character of Susan and Monica was a perfect role for Marisa Mell, she oozes a raw sexuality in general and playing a sort of sexually uninhibited, and mysterious character seems quite natural for her.