International & Cult Film Reviews
Check out our Actress Spotlight series, which will be a mini series within this blog that will highlight and maybe introduce you to many of the actresses of European cult films. If you're a Barbara Bouchet fan, we have an entire separate blog series dedicated just to her, you can check that out HERE! This blog is just kicking off so check back often and have your eyes opened to a whole new world!
Nightmare Weekend (1986) How's Your Gag Reflex? September 23, 2024 08:00

Explore the quirky world of Nightmare Weekend, a cult classic that delivers campy shlock with a twist. Discover the eccentric background of this offbeat film and enjoy the attractive 1980's women who don't hold back.
Speed Review: The Advanced Guard (aka The Colony) (1998) - Rated-R For Really False Advertising March 8, 2019 13:54

The Colony is a perfect example of false advertising. It's typical Sci-Fi Channel schlock with after-the-fact repackaging, re-branding, and the blatant pointless flauntingly of blonde beauty Jennifer O'Dell (who was never in the original version) to sell some DVD's.
Alien Terminator (1995) - I'm A Celebrity Look-A-Like Get Me Out Of Here! February 24, 2019 09:00

Alien Terminator contains neither an alien nor a futuristic cyborg assassin. But that really doesn't matter because what other film features a crackhead Corey Feldman double, a cowardly Billy Ray Cyrus clone, the country bumpkin version of Bradley Cooper, Maria Ford pre-cosmetic surgery and the spicy Lisa Boyle whose credited under two names!
Transformations (1988) - A Bad Case Of Space Herpes February 17, 2019 15:11

Transformations is a really bad soap opera masquerading as a cheesy science fiction horror film whose only silver lining is it's sandwiched between Italian model Pamela Prati's breasts and a minuscule amount of action at the end.
Starcrash (1978) - The Best Star Wars Knock-Off Film Ever January 18, 2019 09:00

The shining light of the film is lead actress Caroline Munro, whose supermodel physique and skimpy, skin tight costumes only help make Starcrash that much more enjoyable.