International & Cult Film Reviews
Check out our Actress Spotlight series, which will be a mini series within this blog that will highlight and maybe introduce you to many of the actresses of European cult films. If you're a Barbara Bouchet fan, we have an entire separate blog series dedicated just to her, you can check that out HERE! This blog is just kicking off so check back often and have your eyes opened to a whole new world!
Speed Review: The Deathhead Virgin (1974) - No Moro Please! November 26, 2018 09:00

If someone spent the time editing out about an hour of what can only be described as the actors filming their vacation, you'd be left with thirty minutes that might be at least watchable as a short.
100 Rifles (1969) - 100 Seconds Of Raquel September 10, 2018 20:03

While Sergio Leone and Clint Eastwood were making history in Italy, here in the US we were churning out films like 100 Rifles, a western with the football player Jim Brown as a "policeman", Burt Reynolds as an Indian, and Raquel Welch as the only reason anyone bothered seeing this film!
Alley Cat (1984) - This Pussy Has Claws! June 15, 2018 08:00

Death Wish meets Karate Kid, with some "women in prison" exploitation mixed in for kicks in this amazingly entertaining 1980's cult film starring the busty Karin Mani. She isn't afraid to get her hands dirty, or let people watch her clean herself off! But don't get too close because this pussy cat has claws and she isn't afraid to use them!
Beyond Desire (1995) Elvisexploitation September 17, 2016 09:38

An ex-con with an Elvis complex, a hot Vegas prostitute with a nice set of wheels and a million dollars at stake. This could be the best film you've ever seen, or a real mess of a "thriller".
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