International & Cult Film Reviews
Check out our Actress Spotlight series, which will be a mini series within this blog that will highlight and maybe introduce you to many of the actresses of European cult films. If you're a Barbara Bouchet fan, we have an entire separate blog series dedicated just to her, you can check that out HERE! This blog is just kicking off so check back often and have your eyes opened to a whole new world!
Career Opportunities (1991) - Giddyup! July 24, 2019 08:00

Career Opportunities is a strange little early 90's comedy that has a lot of charm and proves Jennifer Connelly can look sexy doing just about anything.
Speed Review: Fatal Conflict (2000) - Are You Talkin' To Me? July 23, 2019 08:00

Fatal Conflict is a stale low budget action film that looks like it was filmed in the 80's, with a guy who can't turn the bad De Niro impressions off, starring an actress whose real assets go unused in a story Van Damme would likely even turn down.
Deathstalker (1983) Boars, Busts & Barbie Benton April 25, 2019 11:12

While Deathstalker is no masterpiece, the film is not only one of the first, but one of the better Conan knock-offs, and I'd go as far to say more enjoyable than even Conan the Barbarian itself.
Labyrinth (1986) - Hey Little Sister, It's A Nice Day For A White Wedding April 5, 2019 08:00

Production wise Labyrinth is top notch for it's time, and probably only the special effects could be bettered with today's technology, the sets and puppets are all very lifelike and believable which really helps bring the fantasy essence of the film to life.
Speed Review: The Advanced Guard (aka The Colony) (1998) - Rated-R For Really False Advertising March 8, 2019 13:54

The Colony is a perfect example of false advertising. It's typical Sci-Fi Channel schlock with after-the-fact repackaging, re-branding, and the blatant pointless flauntingly of blonde beauty Jennifer O'Dell (who was never in the original version) to sell some DVD's.
Sukkubus - den Teufel im Leib [Succubus - The Devil In The Body] (1989) - Milk, It Does A Body Good March 1, 2019 09:00

Sukkubus is a perfect example of how to completely squander an opportunity to make a truly classic euro-cult horror film by taking a unique setting and an incredibly sexy Italian model (whose willing to not wear anything), and spend most of the time following three herdsmen around doing their daily chores.
Il prato macchiato di rosso [The Bloodstained Lawn] (1973) - Give Blood! February 26, 2019 21:03

The Bloodstained Lawn is an interesting diversion to the standard Italian giallo format, yet struggles to formulate a satisfying payoff that it spends most of the film building up to.
Alien Terminator (1995) - I'm A Celebrity Look-A-Like Get Me Out Of Here! February 24, 2019 09:00

Alien Terminator contains neither an alien nor a futuristic cyborg assassin. But that really doesn't matter because what other film features a crackhead Corey Feldman double, a cowardly Billy Ray Cyrus clone, the country bumpkin version of Bradley Cooper, Maria Ford pre-cosmetic surgery and the spicy Lisa Boyle whose credited under two names!
Transformations (1988) - A Bad Case Of Space Herpes February 17, 2019 15:11

Transformations is a really bad soap opera masquerading as a cheesy science fiction horror film whose only silver lining is it's sandwiched between Italian model Pamela Prati's breasts and a minuscule amount of action at the end.
Speed Review: Wonder Women (1973) - Minus The Wonder February 5, 2019 09:00

If you're a sucker for bad movies filmed in the Philippines, with no plot, an obligatory cock fighting scene, a drunk insurance investigator, the hot redhead who played Greedo in Star Wars, an army of butt kicking beauties, and of course Vic Diaz, then Wonder Women is the film for you!
The Lost Empire (1984) - A Film Even Corman Couldn't Love January 26, 2019 09:00

Even Roger Corman told him [director Jim Wyonorski] he hated the film, only conceding there was a few good camera shots and the actresses were attractive. When Corman doesn't like your campy film seems to me that says something.
Starcrash (1978) - The Best Star Wars Knock-Off Film Ever January 18, 2019 09:00

The shining light of the film is lead actress Caroline Munro, whose supermodel physique and skimpy, skin tight costumes only help make Starcrash that much more enjoyable.
Speed Review: The Haunting of Morella (1990) - Babewatch In Colonial America December 3, 2018 09:00

While I prefer my B-movies "made in Italy", in terms of American camp anything Roger Corman is attached to is usually about the best in entertaining crap you can get made in America, as most of his films purely aim to please the basic senses, which is pretty well accomplished here.
Speed Review: The Deathhead Virgin (1974) - No Moro Please! November 26, 2018 09:00

If someone spent the time editing out about an hour of what can only be described as the actors filming their vacation, you'd be left with thirty minutes that might be at least watchable as a short.
Deadlier Than The Male (1967) - Sylva Koscina Harpoons My Heart November 24, 2018 09:00

Considering the title, Deadlier Than The Male, it should come as little surprise the film focuses quite largely on the fairer sex, and oh boy do they give every Bond Girl a run for their money!
Lust For A Vampire (1971) - Strange Love November 2, 2018 08:00

On the heels of The Vampire Lovers quickly followed the very controversial sequel, Lust For A Vampire. It was controversial in the sense that everyone seems to have an extremely different opinion about it. But what's most surprising is the opinions of those who actually worked on it!
Casanova '70 (1965) - Marisa Mell Saves The Day September 15, 2018 12:30

Marisa Mell claimed this to be one of her most enjoyable film roles, taking into consideration her personality and hectic love life it's not surprising. Her performance manages to save this film from being another bland Italian comedy.
The Vampire Lovers (1970) - Ingrid Pitt The Hammer Goddess September 13, 2018 10:34

Never once was I bored as Ingrid Pitt, manages to flawlessly play a seductive vampire who toys with her prey or simply goes for a jugular. After viewing this it's quite clear why she is thought of by many as one of Hammer's top female icons.
100 Rifles (1969) - 100 Seconds Of Raquel September 10, 2018 20:03

While Sergio Leone and Clint Eastwood were making history in Italy, here in the US we were churning out films like 100 Rifles, a western with the football player Jim Brown as a "policeman", Burt Reynolds as an Indian, and Raquel Welch as the only reason anyone bothered seeing this film!
Danger: Diabolik (1968) - Possibly The Best Comic Book Movie Ever Made! September 6, 2018 08:00

Danger Diabolik proves that a well crafted film from a comic book series can be done with no CGI, stay loyal to the lore, and do it on a budget that is less than what a modern day film likely spends on craft services. And in the end be one of the most underrated top comic book films ever made.
Actress Spotlight: Femi Benussi - Italy's Femme Fatale August 1, 2018 12:27 1 Comment

What other actress had the vast number of roles and presence in almost every genre of Italian cult film yet quickly became typecast as the veritable prostitute of Italian cult cinema, effectively in the end being tossed aside like one and never gaining nearly the popularity as some of her peers who took on a lot of the similar roles.
Hot Enough For June (1964) - But You Should Have Been Here Last September June 30, 2018 19:28

What happens when the great 007 meets his untimely demise? Where does the British Secret Service turn to replace 007? Well the unemployment office of course! Dirk Bogarde and the lovely Sylva Koscina star in this campy spy comedy about an out of work writer who unknowingly accepts the job of an undercover spy.
Siamo uomini o caporali [Are We Men or Corporals?] (1955) - Toto Takes On The Man June 24, 2018 08:00

Italian comedy icon Toto Esposito can survive WWII, the Nazis and a life of poverty in Are We Men or Corporals, but can he survive a broken heart and the constant feeling of "the man" (or Corporals) with their foot on his face shoving him back down? The film also features the first appearance of cult film icon Sylva Koscina.
Alley Cat (1984) - This Pussy Has Claws! June 15, 2018 08:00

Death Wish meets Karate Kid, with some "women in prison" exploitation mixed in for kicks in this amazingly entertaining 1980's cult film starring the busty Karin Mani. She isn't afraid to get her hands dirty, or let people watch her clean herself off! But don't get too close because this pussy cat has claws and she isn't afraid to use them!